$0.0000  $0.0000  0.00%  
$0.0000  $0.0000  0.00%  

Fair + Trade

Deutschtrader believes in trading better. Our aim is to be the #1 retail broker in the world for pricing and execution.
Dealing model
Low Cost​​
Improve profit
What is Fair + Trade?

Interests Aligned

At its core, Fair + Trade is about ensuring that your interests as a trader are aligned with our interests as a broker, and that through this mutually beneficial relationship, both parties are better off.

In more direct terms, we believe that traders are better off with us since we’re not making money from their losses. Furthermore, we see it as our duty to create the conditions that are conducive to a traders success, by offering institutional trading benefits to the individual.

Better and fairer pricing and execution

Deutschtrader aims to be the number retail broker in the world for pricing and execution across all forex and metals. This is to say that your trades, executed with Deutschtrader, will be as good or better than any other retail broker in the world.

Over time we aim to extend this reach beyond FX and Metals to Indices, commodities and all markets globally.

Refreshingly human

Bringing institutional benefits to the individual means we treat our clients the same way we expect to be treated by our prime broker, liquidity providers and technology partners – like a human, not a number. Why?

Because speaking to knowledgeable market participants is empowering.

Speaking with your broker should be like trading, you should be net up + knowledge having learned something from it, net down – stress. If this isn’t true then you’re likely dealing with the wrong counterparty and overleveraging.

Market Access

We aim to facilitate, not inhibit, our clients trading and investing; whenever, wherever, however and over whatever financial product they want to trade.

We will continue opening up new markets for our clients to trade and offering the most popular, new and cutting edge trading platforms and tools.

Radical Transparency

Radical transparency is about pulling back the curtains and showing you the inner workings of our operation, how and with who your trades have been executed and how this performs against a benchmark. i.e. how is Deutschtrader performing with respect to our goal of being the best place in the world for you to execute your trades.

If our service to our clients is accountable then so should their trading performance be to themselves and to their stakeholders. We believe that mutual accountability lays the foundation for your success, and ours.

Bridging the knowledge gap

From liquidity and the nuances of market microstructure to risk management and achieving your best risk adjusted return. Knowing, understanding and respecting market fundamentals are some of the key differences between main street and wall street, retail and institutional traders.

Traders may only be seeing half of the picture when looking at the markets. We see it as our duty to shine light on these lesser known market truisms by sharing what we know with traders, and bringing in experts to share the rest.

All Deutschtrader clients have access to a Discord chat room where they can share ideas and feedback with other Deutschtrader clients or even air their dirty laundry. The point is, we don’t shy away from difficult conversations or critical feedback. We’re open, honest and transparent with our clients at all times.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our purpose is predicated on ensuring that our interests are aligned with yours. We believe wholeheartedly in the relationship being mutually beneficial and that ultimately, the broker serves the needs of the client above all else. How does this affect your trading? We believe that by taking the conflict of interest that arises from brokers profiting off client losses out of the equation, you can focus on your trading and not your broker. Accordingly, we have made it our mission to create an environment that is conducive to profitable trading as at the end of the day, when you win we win.

We offer total transparency with respect to how we make money, outlining our entire business model as well as post trade transparency in the form of trade receipts. Trade receipts are able tocan be queried directly from within the client portal and contain all the information pertaining to your trades including:

  • Slippage
  • VWAP price
  • State of the book at the time of trade
  • Tick chart
  • Which LP filled your trade

This feature means that you can verify all information relating to your trades and can rest assured that your trades are being taken to the real market.

By providing total transparency in all matters pertaining to your trades as well as industry leading customer service, Deutschtrader has built the ultimate environment for traders who want to focus on their trading, not their broker.

Deutschtrader has a commitment to bridging the knowledge gap by providing our traders with unique insight into the brokerage model. We do not shy away from the tough questions and encourage our clients to hold us accountable. Deutschtrader strives to ensure that all clients are asking the right thought provoking questions and endeavours to shed light onto the ethical way to conduct business.

Deutschtrader ’s commitment to educating our client base manifests itself in many forms. From our in house prop trader to our in house market analyst, Deutschtrader e prides itself as being the leader in trading knowledge and education. Our discord community is another example of our willingness to encourage clients to engage with one another and learn from each other.

We believe traders should focus on their trading and not their broker. By running an exclusively A-book stream we act solely as a facilitator between the liquidity providers and the client. We do not take big bets against our clients, we don’t profit off client losses, nor do we manipulate pricing. Ultimately we are a traders broker whose interests are perfectly aligned with our clients. When our clients win, we win.

Better and fair pricing and execution. Market access. Refreshingly human. Radically transparent. Bridging the knowledge gap.

We believe that traders are better off with us since we’re not making money from their losses. Furthermore, we see it as our duty to create the conditions that are conducive to a traders success by offering institutional trading benefits to the individual.

We do not profit from client losses and accordingly, it is in our interests for our clients to win.